A Word of Encouragement Building the Foundation A Word of Encouragement I want you to look today at a passage of Scripture that helps guide us… Bayless Conley
The Right Word at the Right Time Building the Foundation The Right Word at the Right Time Proverbs 15:23 contains a powerful truth, A man has joy by the answer of his… Bayless Conley
The Core Motivation for Giving Building the Foundation The Core Motivation for Giving I want to return one last time to Mark 12:41–44 and have you consider one… Bayless Conley
Rich or Poor Godly Character Rich or Poor It is interesting that Jesus, in our devotional yesterday, did not try to keep the… Bayless Conley
Where’s Your Heart? Godly Character Where’s Your Heart? I want to have you read and think about Mark 12:41–44 today, Now Jesus sat… Bayless Conley
The Right Motivation Godly Character The Right Motivation In yesterday’s devotional, we saw how we should not give just to get. That should… Bayless Conley
Giving to Get? Building the Foundation Giving to Get? Any time I give, I expect a blessing to return. It is a law that… Bayless Conley
What’s Your Measure? Building the Foundation What’s Your Measure? In Luke 6:38, Jesus said these words, “Give, and it will be given to you:… Bayless Conley
Robbing God—of What? Building the Foundation Robbing God—of What? Malachi 3:8–9 gives us a sober warning, “Will a man rob God? Yet you have… Bayless Conley
Tithing Today? Building the Foundation Tithing Today? In Malachi 3:10–11, God says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may… Bayless Conley