The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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In James chapter 4, we’re confronted with a challenging question: “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?”
In his message “The Who Is You,” Pastor Harrison Conley unpacks from God’s Word how our unchecked desires and pride can spark conflicts, while humility and submission to God pave the way for true peace.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain practical wisdom for transforming your life and relationships.
At a wedding in Galilee, Jesus performed His very first miracle—a miracle that shows the radical transformation that happens in the hearts of all who truly know and follow Him.
In part two of “The First Miracle of Jesus,” Pastor Bayless unveils what it means for you to experience this miraculous transformation in your own life as well.
Listen and discover the life-changing power available to you today!
Jesus’ very first miracle in Scripture was when He turned water into wine at a wedding in Galilee. But what’s so special about this miracle in particular?
In part one of “The First Miracle of Jesus,” Pastor Bayless reveals what this miracle meant and its incredible significance for every believer in Christ today.
Listen now and discover what this miracle means for you!
Deep within, we all yearn for wisdom. But being wise means living your life according to God and His Word—the source of all true wisdom.
In “Hear and Be Wise,” Pastor Bayless uses the acrostic W-I-S-E to show you how to tap into God’s eternal wisdom for daily life so you can be more blessed, stand strong against temptation, and overcome fear.
Discover the key to walking in true wisdom in this powerful message!
The truth is that salvation is a free gift from God, not based on anything we’ve done.
In his message “The Sin of Partiality,” Pastor Bayless shows you why this truth should lead every follower of Christ to live humbly, not showing partiality or favoritism to anyone—because we’re all created in the image of God and worthy of being loved.
Learn to see others the way God sees them in this eye-opening message!
Most Christians begin their spiritual life on fire for the gospel, but many find themselves just going through the motions at some point.
In Pastor Bayless’ message, “The Lukewarm Church,” you’ll discover what’s really happening in the heart of the lukewarm believer, and the steps you can start taking if you find yourself losing your passion.
Find out what it takes to begin breaking free from lukewarm spirituality today!
As believers, God invites us into His great plan for salvation for the world. So what should we be about as we tarry here on earth?
In his message “Preach, Provide, and Pray,” Pastor Bayless takes you to the book of James to show how God wants you to invest your time, talents, and treasure here on earth—proclaiming the gospel and reaching the world with the good news of our living Jesus.
Discover your true purpose on this earth in this inspirational message!
So much pain in the world is caused by carelessly spoken words. But if you can change the way you think, you’ll change the way you talk—speaking words of life that build up instead of tearing down.
In part two of his message “The Incredible Power of Words,” Pastor Bayless teaches you what it means to be slow to speak, giving more thought to the words you say for the building up of others.
Discover how you can transform your speech in this eye-opening message!
Your words have power…the power to build up, the power to tear down, the power to create and destroy.
Pastor Bayless gives you practical wisdom for using your words for good in his message “The Incredible Power of Words.” You’ll discover why your words matter so much, and how you can avoid giving the devil a foothold in your speech.
Learn how you can speak words of life in this timely message!
Everyone wants to experience God’s blessing and provision over their lives. But how can you enter the life of abundance God has for you?
In his message “Experiencing God’s Abundant Provision,” Pastor Harrison Conley takes you to Scripture and shows you how the principle of sowing and reaping touches every area of your life, and how blessing comes when you invest in the things of God.
Listen and discover how you can experience the abundant, fulfilling life God has for you!
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