Lord Teach Us to Pray

Pray like Jesus, touch God’s heart, and get results!


In Luke, chapter 11, Jesus’ disciples make a request of Him: “Lord, teach us to pray.”

“Jesus’ disciples saw Him pray in almost every circumstance you could imagine, and they were deeply impacted by it. Notice, the disciples did not say, ‘Lord, teach us to preach,’ or ‘Lord, teach us to heal the sick and to work miracles.’ The disciples realized that the intimacy Jesus had with God was the fountainhead out of which everything else flowed—the miracles, the tremendous sermons, the wisdom that proceeded from His mouth, etc. Jesus did teach the disciples, both through His words and through His lifestyle, how to pray.”
-Bayless Conley

In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series, Lord Teach Us to Pray, you will find Jesus’ prayers that touch God’s heart and get results.