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A few years ago, my son Harrison and I were getting ready to play a round of golf. While we warmed up, I noticed another golfer near the putting green.

He had set up his bag, taken out a club, and walked to an area where he could swing to loosen up. While he was away from his bag, I watched a squirrel go up to his golf bag and chew a hole in it.

Apparently, the squirrel smelled some snacks in there and, in nothing flat, it was stealing stuff from the guy’s golf bag. So I yelled over to him, “Hey, buddy! Is that your bag? There’s a squirrel taking your stuff!”

So he came running over with his golf club in hand. But when he got to his bag, the squirrel challenged him. And the man backed off. I couldn’t believe it!

The golfer tried again to get his bag; but the squirrel actually ran at him, and the guy ran away from the squirrel! This happened three more times until the guy seized a moment when the squirrel turned its back. At that point he grabbed his bag and ran as fast as he could away from the squirrel.

I gotta tell you, it was hysterical. Truly hysterical.

Now, you may be wondering, Bayless, what’s the point of this story? This story came to mind when I was thinking about how easily we run from challenging situations as we pursue the will and plan of God for our lives.

You’re going to face worse things than a belligerent squirrel as you pursue those things. And I want to encourage you today—whatever you may face—to be determined that you’re not going to be put off by obstacles or hard times.

No matter what you may be facing today, I want to encourage you to have the attitude that Paul had in Acts 20…

And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (vv. 22–24, emphasis mine)

Finish the race. Stay the course. Don’t allow adversity to get you off track or make you run away.

I know it can be hard at times. And you and I need encouragement. That’s why God gave us the Bible.

God wants to help you faithfully finish the course He’s set before you. Spend time in His Word each day and find the motivation and inspiration you need to face any obstacle—any “squirrel”—life throws your way.

In his message, “How to Find God’s Strength in Tough Times,” Bayless shares four simple things that will help you to lay hold of God’s strength, no matter what season you are in. Watch now when you follow this link to our YouTube channel.

Bayless Conley

Author Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley is a pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God’s Word to everyday life. Each week his broadcast, Answers with Bayless Conley, is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.

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