The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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It is the work of God’s grace that makes us willing and able to give toward His purposes, and using our resources for His Kingdom is a test of our hearts.
In part two of “Building the House,” Pastor Bayless shares liberating truth about our role as stewards of God’s blessings, not owners, and how when we humble ourselves before the Lord with our possessions, we can make a powerful impact for the Kingdom.
Explore the power of true biblical stewardship in this encouraging message!
The gospel is free to everyone, but the pipeline to get it to a world that needs to hear it can be expensive.
In part one of his message “Building the House,” Pastor Bayless looks at the construction of the temple in 1 Chronicles 29 and shares how giving generously to the Kingdom can have a tremendous impact when done with the right motives.
Listen in and discover how abundant generosity can shake the world for Jesus Christ!
God desires to bless His people. Throughout the Bible, we see again and again His intention to lead His followers into shalom, a perfect, God-centered peace.
In his message “The Blessing,” Pastor Harrison Conley takes an in-depth look at a piece of Scripture known as the Aaronic Blessing, and shares how you can experience the protection, rest, and peace God offers everyone who follows Jesus Christ.
Learn how you can embrace all God has for you in this encouraging message!
Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas gift to the world. Yet so many wrap this gift up in religious rules and regulations instead of enjoying the gift itself.
In his message “God’s Christmas Gift,” Pastor Bayless takes a close look at what happened all those years ago in Bethlehem, sharing what is really at the heart of this amazing gift and what it means for your life today.
Discover why the gift of Christmas may be more powerful than you imagined in this special message!
Everything changed when Jesus was born. It was an event unlike any other in history—one that shook both the friends and enemies of God to their very core.
In “News of a New King” part 2, Pastor Bayless shares how the message of Jesus’ birth all those years ago brought everyone face-to-face with the single most important decision they’d ever make—and how it still begs the same question in our lives today.
Discover the pivotal truth at the heart of Christmas in this powerful message!
The news of Jesus’ coming sent shockwaves into the world. Joseph and Mary’s lives were changed forever. It was such a momentous event that wise men from the east traveled hundreds of miles to see this new King.
In part 1 of “News of a New King,” Pastor Bayless takes you back to that earth-shaking event, sharing how it changed lives then and how it still changes lives today.
Listen and find out how the news that shook the world then is still making waves today!
There’s so much confusion in our culture today about angels. Who are they? What do they do? And how can they help you?
In “The Intervention of Angels,” Pastor Bayless shares a powerful first-hand account of the work of angels in his life and shows you what God’s Word says these ministering spiritual beings are sent to do for you.
Unleash the power of angelic presence in your life with “The Intervention of Angels!”
Something powerful occurs at the moment of salvation. The eyes of the spiritually blind are opened to the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ. And when that happens, nothing is ever the same.
In part 2 of “Healing of the Blind Man,” Pastor Bayless dives into what real life change looks like and how once your spiritual eyes are opened, everything in your life will be different.
Discover what it means to truly be born again in the conclusion of Healing of the Blind Man!
The healing of the blind man in John chapter 9 shattered the expectations of Jesus’ followers, the religious leaders, and the blind man himself—something Jesus is still in the business of doing today.
In part 1 of his message “Healing of the Blind Man,” Pastor Bayless exposes this spiritual blindness in our world and shines important light on God’s plan to open the eyes of those walking in darkness, even when it challenges conventional thinking.
Gain a new perspective on God’s plan to restore the world in this powerful message!
Generosity always brings blessings for both the giver and the receiver. And those blessings can result in radical life transformation. But it all begins with giving.
Pastor Bayless shows you how you can experience these life-transforming blessings in his message, “The Grace That Comes from Giving.”
Find out how you can experience grace upon grace when you listen to this insightful teaching!
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