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No matter who you are or where you are from, one certainty of life is that we all go through storms.

It may be in your marriage, finances, physical or mental health, or it could be a calculated spiritual attack from the enemy.

If you find yourself in a storm today, I have good news for you.

In Acts chapter 27, the apostle Paul was going through a storm of his own. He had been taken into custody and was on his way to Rome by ship under the charge of a Roman officer.

Let’s take a look at what happens in verses 9 through 12…

Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, saying, “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives.” Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul. And because the harbor was not suitable to winter in, the majority advised to set sail from there also, if by any means they could reach Phoenix, a harbor of Crete opening toward the southwest and northwest, and winter there.

Paul had an inward perception here about the sea and these particular waterways—one that was given by the Holy Spirit and went against the expertise of the seasoned sailors on the ship.

As it turned out, Paul was right.

What follows is a harrowing account of what happened after the ship set out to sea. Verse 14 tells us that a “tempestuous head wind arose.”

This set forth a series of events that led to them having to find shelter on an island (verse 16) and throw the ship’s tackle overboard (verse 19) before finally giving up hope altogether (verse 20).

The rain was falling in sheets, the lightning was flashing around them, and the wind was howling. The waves were coming over the little ship and thunder was going off like cannons.

The crew and passengers were weary and hadn’t eaten for days, yet something incredible happened next.

Let’s pick up at verses 21–25…

But after long abstinence from food, then Paul stood in the midst of them and said, “Men, you should have listened to me, and not have sailed from Crete and incurred this disaster and loss. And now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you.’ Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.”

Now think about it, in the midst of the thunder, lightning, rain, howling wind, and waves, Paul says, “Take heart,” even though nothing has changed around them.

Friend, you may be in the middle of a storm right now. Maybe the bank is threatening to foreclose on your home. Maybe your kids have gone off the rails or your marriage is in trouble. Maybe you have just gotten a bad report from the doctor. Maybe you are under spiritual assault.

Listen, in the midst of that, I can tell you this: Take courage, be of good heart. Why? Because just like Paul said, “I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.”

You might say, “Paul had an angel appear and talk to him. If I had an angel encourage me, I might feel a little better about the storm I am in.”

Consider this: You have something even more steadfast than the word of an angel. You have the written Word of God. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will not pass away.

Go to God’s Word and find a promise that covers your need. Digest it spiritually, feed upon it, reflect upon it. Let it become part of you.

Then in the middle of your storm, as the winds rage and the lightning flashes, boldly declare, “I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.”

My friend, His Word will not fail you in your storm.

The storms of life can hit at any time. We want to help you navigate those seasons by sending you Pastor Bayless’ message, “How to Overcome the Storms of Life.” It’s our thanks for your support to share the hope of our living Jesus with more people through our global TV Ministry.

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Bayless Conley

Author Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley is a pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God’s Word to everyday life. Each week his broadcast, Answers with Bayless Conley, is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.

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