The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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Faith is foundational to the Christian walk, and yet surprisingly, many believers don't understand—or don't recall—some of the most basic aspects of faith.
And in part two of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley shares two powerful facts about where faith resides and what it rests upon.
Listen now and be strengthened in your faith.
Faith is vital to the Christian life. The Bible tells us that without faith it is not just hard to please God—it is impossible. That's why every believer needs to understand the fundamental facts of faith.
And in part one of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley shares the first four of 10 important faith facts to help you understand, grow in, and live out your faith.
Watch now to learn what you need to know about faith.
God's healing power is available to everyone, and that includes you. It is as much in God's nature to heal as it is to forgive.
In his message "Keys to the Lord's Healing Power," Bayless Conley examines the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man in Luke 5 to show how you can experience the healing power of God in your life.
Listen today and discover how you can unlock the Lord's healing power.
When you come to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into your life—and you receive some amazing gifts through Him.
In his message "Three Things the Holy Spirit Gives to Every Believer," Pastor Bayless Conley reveals three powerful, life-changing gifts you receive from the Holy Spirit when you become a Christian.
Listen and discover the gifts available to everyone who trusts in Christ as their Savior.
Every one of us will face overwhelming circumstances that we cannot handle with our own strength and our own energy.
And in his message "Lead Me to the Rock," Pastor Bayless Conley opens Psalm 61 to show you three emblems of God's aid in your distress and what they reveal about potential causes for an overwhelmed heart.
Listen today and find your rescue in God, the rock of your salvation.
In the Scriptures, the image of the yoke is used to symbolize connection to someone or something else—and it can have either positive or negative connotations.
And in his message "What Yoke Are You Wearing?" Pastor Bayless Conley takes you through several examples in God's Word to help you discern what you are yoked or tied to and to encourage you to put on the yoke of Jesus.
Listen now and find the restful yoke of the Savior.
When evil seems to prosper, we can become discouraged or even tempted to envy the success of wrongdoers. So how can you not lose heart or grow weary in doing good?
In his message "Heavenly Advice for Earthly Living," Pastor Bayless Conley reveals God's admonitions from Psalm 37 to continue trusting Him as you lean on His promises to those who persevere.
Listen and discover heavenly wisdom for your earthly life today.
Before He returned to Heaven, Jesus gave His disciples, and us today, final instructions to wait for the promise of the Father—that they would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and given power to fulfill the mission of the Church.
In his message "How the Holy Spirit Guides and Empowers You," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you how, when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, God fills you with power and guides you to reach this lost and dying world for His kingdom.
Listen and discover the amazing promise that's available to you today!
The prophecies in Isaiah 35 spoke to the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah of the coming salvation God promised them. But these words are still speaking to the Church today of events yet to come.
And in his message "Preparation for Revival," Pastor Harrison Conley examines Scripture to show you how you can prepare for the harvest of souls that is coming in the final days and be part of God's work to draw others to Himself in a time of great revival and restoration.
Listen today to find encouragement and strength to live for God as you prepare the way of the Lord.
The words "But God" are so simple, and yet incredibly profound. They have the power to turn even the most hopeless situations around and change your life completely.
In the final part of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley examines several instances of "But God" moments in the Scriptures to show you how God works in your life to bring understanding, growth, strength, and hope where they didn't exist before.
Listen today to be strengthened by these two powerful words: "But God."
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