The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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God’s Word is full of examples of strong women that God used to literally change the world.
And in his message “Heroines of the Faith,” Bayless Conley explores the lives of a few of these incredible women of faith—and shows you how God can use you or someone you know to be a person of powerful influence in the world.
God desires peace for you. But that does not mean He will just automatically give you peace – He will likely take you on a path from the problem to a place of peace.
And in his message “Moving from Problem to Peace,” Harrison Conley explores the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles to uncover two simple but indispensable steps on the pathway to peace.
Listen today and discover how to move from problem to peace.
In his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Power Gifts,” Bayless Conley brings biblical truth to light about the spiritual gifts of power: miracles, special faith, and healing. You’ll learn how each of these supernatural gifts can manifest in your life. And you’ll discover where and how God wants you to use them.
Find out how you can let God’s strength show in your life with the gifts of power!
Paul said in 1 Corinthians that the cross is foolishness to some, but for others it is the power of God.
And in his message “The Three Crosses,” Bayless Conley examines the very different attitudes and actions toward Jesus of the two thieves that were crucified with Him on Calvary and how you also must decide how you’ll respond to Jesus.
God wants us to be clear about the gifts of the Holy Spirit—yet there’s a real lack of clarity when it comes to this subject today.
Bayless Conley shines some critical light on the spiritual gifts of prophecy and tongues with his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Vocal Gifts.” You’ll learn what the gifts look like manifested in your life. And you’ll discover how you can have the right attitude when it comes to using them to expand the gospel.
Find out how God can use you powerfully today!
In his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Revelation Gifts,” Bayless Conley shows you how these three gifts may manifest themselves in your life—and how you can use them to boldly advance the gospel in our lost and broken world.
Discover how you can be a vessel of supernatural truth to a lost world today!
Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would equip and empower believers as they carry out the work of the Great Commission. And in his message "The Holy Spirit and His Gifts," Bayless Conley shows you how the gifts of the Spirit manifest in your life and how you can utilize them to take the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Discover how you can let the Holy Spirit work supernaturally through you today!
In God’s view (and His is the only one that truly matters), everyone in the world is in one of two groups: ‘lost’ or ‘saved,’ or as the apostle Paul put it, ‘in Adam,’ or ‘in Christ.’
For those in Adam, God will move heaven and earth to show them the way into a relationship with Christ. In his message “Three Things That Point Humanity to God,” Bayless Conley reveals how God’s Law, His Creation, and your inner voice, which echoes God’s heart, all illuminate the way to Him.
Discover the great lengths God goes to in order to reveal the gospel truth to all humankind. It’s a love story as fascinating as it is powerful.
In his letter to the Galatian church, the apostle Paul asks a penetrating question: "Are you trying to complete the work God started under your own power?" The Church today must answer this same question. But what characterizes the Church that's operating under God's power?
In his message "The Fire, Frequency, and Focus of the Church," Bayless Conley uncovers three traits of the early Church that demonstrate dependence on God's power and shows you why they're important for you as well.
Listen today to discover how you can follow the example of the early Church.
Even when things go awry for us personally, as a people group, or as a nation, we still should be hopeful about the future.
And in his message "Hopeful about the Future," Bayless Conley shares how God's unrelenting nature and unmatched love for you are reason enough to hope in what’s to come.
Listen to this powerful message today.
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