The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast

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  • What Jesus Says About Faith: The Great Pursuits Series Part 8

    The book of Hebrews describes Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. So knowing what He said about faith is critical.

    In "The Pursuit of Faith," Bayless Conley explores the three kinds of faith Jesus talked about. He shows you why faith only works through love and what it looks like to move toward great faith in your everyday life.

    Pursue great faith… and please God in a great way!

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • Four Promises for Godly Living: The Great Pursuits Series Part 7

    God promises there are certain rewards you'll receive when you live a godly lifestyle. And the benefits you'll enjoy far outweigh the challenges that come with those choices.

    In his message "The Pursuit of Godliness," Bayless Conley shows you how to pursue an inward posture of devotion to God and shares four life-changing benefits of godliness you'll experience when you do.

    Godly living can be a challenge, but the rewards you'll receive are always worth it. Find out how today!

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • What It Means to Live with Integrity: The Great Pursuits Series Part 6

    A life of integrity comes from knowing God and seeking after Him before anything else.

    Listen as Bayless Conley shares his message "What It Means to Live with Integrity"—and shows you that when you live with integrity, you in turn attract other people to God.

    Find out how seeking righteousness above all else produces enduring results in your life. 

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • Love Makes All the Difference: The Great Pursuits Series Part 5

    Love is one of the highest callings of the Christian life—having an impact on your marriage, family, salvation, enemies... and much more. But the Bible also says the pursuit of love is connected to the desire for spiritual gifts.

    In "The Pursuit of Love," Bayless Conley explores how the desires and manifestations of spiritual gifts in your life are most effective when they're motivated by love.

    Listen today to discover how when you do everything in a spirit of love, it makes all the difference in your life.

    This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • It's Not Just About You: The Great Pursuits Series Part 4

    Each of us naturally goes after things we believe are good for us. But God has called us to pursue good not only for ourselves, but for all. That includes our enemies.

    In his message “The Pursuit of What Is Good,” Bayless Conley opens God’s Word to show you that as you pursue what is good for you, it’s also important to ask if it is good for others as well.

    When you focus on seeking good for others and blessing them, God will bless you as well.

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • Why Hospitality Matters to God: The Great Pursuits Series Part 3

    Hospitality is extremely important in God’s economy. So even if it does not come naturally to you, the Bible says it is something you need to pursue.

    In his message "Why Hospitality Matters to God," Bayless Conley shows you how you are called to make hospitality part of your life because it's a tangible way to demonstrate the reality of your salvation through the love of Christ.

    Let God's love show in your life through the power of hospitality!

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • Four Keys to Knowing God Better: The Great Pursuits Series Part 2

    God wants you to know Him intimately. And a relationship with Him doesn't come through rituals, rules, and regulations. In order to know God, you have to pursue Him.

    And the pursuit of God requires intentionality.

    In "Four Keys to Knowing God Better," Bayless Conley shows you how you can know God more intimately through His creation, fellowship, prayer, and much more.

    Pursue God intentionally... because there's nothing more important than knowing Him!

    This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series, "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • How You Can Have Peace: The Great Pursuits Series Part 1

    Peace is something everyone acknowledges is important—but few people actually have it. So how can you experience the lasting peace God wants for you?

    In his message "How You Can Have Peace," Bayless Conley shares how peace in your life can only be found when you first have peace with God—and that comes through His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Discover how you can have peace with God, so you can then enjoy the peace of God in every area of your life!

    This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life.

    Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:

  • Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1)

    The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the Book of James.

    Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives?

    Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.

  • Three Essential Qualities of a Godly Person

    Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David – ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan and God called him a man after His own heart.

    Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character.

    As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.

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