The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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When Jesus returned to heaven, He didn’t leave His followers weak and alone. Instead, He promised that they—and you—would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them: the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus to heal the multitudes.
Discover what this means for you in Pastor Bayless Conley’s message “The Holy Spirit’s Power and You.” You’ll explore what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is really all about and how God wants to work through you as a witness for Christ—both where you live and around the world.
Listen and learn how the Holy Spirit can change the world by changing you.
Thankfulness. The idea seems so simple, but how often do our lives really reflect gratitude toward our heavenly Father?
In part two of his message “The Attitude of Gratitude,” Pastor Bayless shares the right response to the greatest gift of all—salvation in Jesus Christ—and how you can live your life out of thankfulness for that wonderful gift.
Listen today and learn how you can make your life a thankful response to God for His indescribable gift!
One of the rarest qualities among people today is a truly grateful heart. But when God blesses us, thankfulness is the right response. So how can you cultivate a stronger attitude of gratitude for the gifts He’s given you?
In part one of his message “The Attitude of Gratitude,” Pastor Bayless shows you what a grateful heart really looks like—and how you can be thankful even when circumstances aren’t going your way.
Discover the key to thankful living in this eye-opening message!
The Church today is under attack…and time is of the essence. We must open our eyes to the spiritual battle raging around us and give attention to the words of Jesus: “Wake up!”
In his eye-opening message “The Dead Church,” Pastor Harrison Conley compares the Church today to the Church at Sardis in the book of Revelation—and shines some much-needed light on how we as a body, and as individuals, can awake from our spiritual slumber.
Listen and learn how we can become the person—and the Church—God calls us to be.
The Christian life is one of constant overcoming. And one of the more challenging obstacles to overcome can be a lukewarm spiritual life.
In part two of his message “The Lukewarm Church”, Pastor Bayless shows you what to do if you find yourself at a point where Jesus feels distant, and how He’s always there waiting for you to open your heart to Him again.
Learn how you can revive your relationship with God when you watch this encouraging message!
Most Christians begin their spiritual life on fire for the gospel, but many find themselves just going through the motions at some point.
In part one of Pastor Bayless’ message, “The Lukewarm Church,” you’ll discover what’s really happening in the heart of the lukewarm believer, and the steps you can start taking if you find yourself losing your passion.
Find out what it takes to begin breaking free from lukewarm spirituality today!
The Bible says that children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. But how do you raise those “arrows” to fly true when you release them?
In part two of his message “Building Strong Families,” Pastor Bayless shares from Psalm 127 how to fulfill your role as a parent in preparing your children for the amazing journey ahead.
Listen today and learn how God can transform your family life!
Building a strong family isn’t a mystery. It only takes one thing to completely change the trajectory of your home.
In part one of “Building Strong Families,” Pastor Bayless takes you to Psalm 127 to show you how God can put your family on a solid foundation when you fully rely on His guidance in building it.
Find out how you can tap into supernatural power for your home in this encouraging message!
All of us, at some time or another, need help. But what happens when you let God deliver you out of your need so that you can then pour into others’ lives?
That’s what Pastor Bayless talks about in part two of his message “The Grace That Comes from Giving.” You’ll discover how a special grace is deposited in your life when you put others first.
Listen in now and learn how you can experience a deeper filling of God’s grace today!
Generosity always brings blessings for both the giver and the receiver. And those blessings can result in radical life transformation. But it all begins with giving.
Pastor Bayless shows you how you can experience these life-transforming blessings in part one of his message, “The Grace That Comes from Giving.”
Find out how you can experience grace upon grace when you listen to this insightful teaching!
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