The Answers with Bayless Conley Podcast
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In John 4:35, Jesus tells us to, “…lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
In the first of two eye-opening messages, Pastor Bayless shows from the Scriptures how Jesus isn’t just talking about future revival—but about a harvest that’s ripe and ready for reaping right now!
Yes, there are hungry souls at your workplace, in your neighborhood, at your kids’ school, on the football field, at the grocery checkout…
Listen in and discover the essential ingredients needed for God to use you in reaching these people for Christ…today!
God’s Word teaches us that wisdom is supreme, above all things. And true wisdom comes from God, through the Holy Spirit.
In his message “How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom,” Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to show you five ways the Holy Spirit works to give you, and every believer, the wisdom you need.
Listen today and get wisdom for living well.
Among the many things God gives you as a follower of Jesus, He entrusts you with the great responsibility of faithfully letting your light shine before people and sharing the message of reconciliation with them.
That’s the subject of the final part of Pastor Bayless’ message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance.” In it, discover your unique role in this world as an ambassador of your heavenly homeland. You’ll find nothing more significant to which you can give your life.
Be empowered in your role as a world changer with this encouraging message!
The promises of God are exceedingly great and precious, and they’ve been given to you in abundance as a follower of Jesus Christ.
In part three of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless shows you from Scripture how God’s nature is released into your situation when you take a promise and act upon it in faith.
Discover God’s answers for every area of need in your life when you listen today!
As a Christian, you have the beautiful, matchless, and powerful name of Jesus at your disposal at any moment—and all the authority that comes with it!
In part two of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless reveals what can happen in and through your life when you truly lay hold of the authority that’s yours in Christ.
Find out how you can start living the powerful life God has for you today!
When you come to Christ, God gives you immediate access to some amazing things. One of them is the authority you receive as a member of God’s household.
In part one of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless reveals the staggering amount of authority vested in you as a member of the body of Christ—and how it has the potential to change your own and others’ lives.
In this eye-opening message, discover the authority and power you have through faith in the name of Jesus!
When you first come to Jesus, it’s easy to be sharp and sensitive to the Spirit. But that cutting edge can become dull over time.
In part two of his message “Regaining Your Cutting Edge,” Pastor Bayless brings a word of encouragement about how you can rise above the muddy waters of life and restore the vibrancy your faith once had.
Discover how you can experience a new zeal for God in Regaining your Cutting Edge!
Every believer goes through times of spiritual dullness—those seasons when God seems distant, and it feels like you’re just going through the motions of the Christian life.
But you don’t have to stay there.
In part one of his message “Regaining Your Cutting Edge,” Pastor Bayless shows you how to begin regaining your spiritual sharpness. You’ll learn how to come back to the Lord and experience the Holy Spirit afresh in your life.
Get ready to experience the revival God has for you with this powerful message!
This world is not our home. We live today in anticipation of a glorious eternity to come—when all that’s broken will be healed, all that’s lost will be found, and sin, death, and the enemy will be forever defeated.
We live today preparing ourselves for where we truly belong...heaven.
In his message “We’re Almost Home,” Pastor Harrison Conley opens the book of Revelation to show you how to live ready for the glorious life to come!
The Bible says that all of us are like sheep—prone to go astray, wander from the shepherd, and get ourselves in danger. So how can we stay on the path of life?
In part two of his message “The Good Shepherd,” Pastor Bayless explores Jesus’ shepherd heart—and shows you how to respond to His loving invitation to be your protector, provider, and guide.
Discover how you can let Jesus lead you on the right paths in this encouraging teaching
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