Revival Is Coming

As believers, we don’t have to fear the end times. If anything else, the opposite is true—what a time it is to be alive. God is at work in the earth, and He is moving amongst His people. In this powerful message, Harrison Conley stirs your heart toward desiring and seeing God revive His people and pour out His Spirit like never before.


Jesus said in Matthew 24 that the gospel would be preached in all the world, and then the end will come. It’s estimated that new technologies will bring the translated Word of God into every language that still needs it within our lifetime. Pair that with the fulfillment of many other biblical prophecies, and you can conclude we’re living in the last days.

As believers, we don’t have to fear the end times. If anything else, the opposite is true—what a time it is to be alive. God is at work in the earth, and He is moving amongst His people. In this powerful message, Harrison Conley stirs your heart toward desiring and seeing God revive His people and pour out His Spirit like never before.