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I want to talk to you about two things God wants you to know as you grow in your relationship with Him.

Paul outlines those two things in Philippians 3:10, when he states that nothing compares to knowing Jesus and the power of His resurrection.

Here, the Greek word know literally means a deep, personal knowledge that comes through experience. Paul isn’t saying, “I want doctrine. I want to just know about Him.” Instead, he’s saying, “I want a deep, personal, growing knowledge through experience with the Lord.”

In addition to knowing Jesus in such a deeply personal way, he also says he wants to know Christ’s resurrection power—in that same way!

Now according to Romans chapter 8, Jesus was raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit. So, quite literally the power of His resurrection is the working and power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s the same power that makes sinners into new creations; heals sick bodies; delivers the oppressed; works miracles; and gives victory over sin, failure, and weakness.

Paul is crying out to know that power in a stronger and fuller measure in his own life.

Friend, Paul is talking about a power that exists for believers to experience—and that includes you.

The power of Christ can create a huge contrast between you and the world.

  • You don’t fear the things they fear.
  • You have a peace and a confidence they don’t have.
  • You have a different source of supply than they do for your joy, your strength, your material needs, your hope, your wisdom.

And Paul wants you to know: there’s more.

A deeper relationship with the Lord can be had. More explosive healing miracles are available. There is more power for living, more power available to bless others, and more of God’s presence that can be revealed.


But the question is: How do you begin to experience “more” of God’s resurrection power?

In my message, 5 Ways to Experience More of God’s Power, I give you practical steps you can take to access this power, so it can transform your life each and every day.

  1. Remember that it is not by works
  2. Realize that you have not arrived
  3. Forget the past
  4. Stay in your lane
  5. Learn from good examples

Watch below and learn to deepen your relationship with God, and consequently reveal more of His presence and power in your life.

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Bayless Conley

Author Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley is a pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God’s Word to everyday life. Each week his broadcast, Answers with Bayless Conley, is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.

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