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The fish were biting and being hauled into the boat in rapid succession by everyone but me. All I was getting was a tangled mess. Every time I cast my line, the reel became so tangled it resembled a bird’s nest.

I had fly-fished all of my life, but these deep-sea bait-casting reels were new to me. I just couldn’t seem to master the art of the overhead cast, and it became more frustrating with every fish my friends landed. I wanted in on the action!

For some Christians this is the way they feel about faith. It can seem like everyone else around them is hauling in the blessings while they are still trying to untangle the mystery of this thing called faith.

What you and I need is a mentor. We need someone who knows the ropes—a person who has proven the promises and tasted the blessings—to show us the footsteps of faith.

A mentor is what helped me on the boat that evening. A friend named Keith, who was an experienced saltwater fisherman, gave me a few lessons on how to properly cast out my line. It wasn’t long until I was pulling in fish along with everyone else.

When it comes to faith, God has given us a mentor. Someone who can show us the ropes. His name is Abraham. Throughout Scripture, God points to Abraham as an example of someone to follow when it comes to faith. In fact, Romans 4:3 and 11-12 tell us,

For what does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’ And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also, and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also walk in the steps of faith which our father Abraham had while still uncircumcised” (emphasis mine).

The New English Bible translates the highlighted phrase above as we should follow the footprints of his faith. In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, we find preserved—very clearly—distinct footprints which Abraham’s faith has left in the sands of time.

One of those footprints is that of an obedient faith. In Hebrews 11:8 it says,

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.”

Notice that God didn’t give Abraham a destination, just a directive. Abraham went out, not knowing where he was headed, only knowing he was being obedient. The Bible calls that faith.

I have found that some people want to understand everything before they will do anything. They insist on having a map in hand. If that is the posture you take, God will certainly still be able to use you, but only in a very limited way.

To be truly used of God, you need to learn to obey His leading, even if you don’t understand or can’t see the outcome. If you trust the Lord in this way, you will begin to untangle this mystery of faith and begin to see God’s power come alive in your life!

Throughout Scripture, Abraham is held up as an example of someone to follow when it comes to faith. Pastor Bayless highlights four distinct footprints which Abraham’s faith has left in the sands of time in his booklet, “Footprints of Faith.” And through these eternal truths, you will learn how to walk the walk of faith and experience the blessings of God like never before. Request your copy today!

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Bayless Conley

Author Bayless Conley

Bayless Conley is a pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God’s Word to everyday life. Each week his broadcast, Answers with Bayless Conley, is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.

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